“Time To Clean Filter” On My Smart Thermostat Display

“Time To Clean Filter” On My Smart Thermostat Display

“Change Filter” or “time to clean filter” is displayed on my thermostat, and I just changed the air filter. Maybe my thermostat says, “Replace Air Filter,” it doesn’t even know I have a filter, let alone when it needs to be changed. It reminds me of the saying, “The left-hand doesn’t know what the right…

Can I Install A Furnace Without Ductwork In My Basement ?

Can I Install A Furnace Without Ductwork In My Basement ?

I have to assume a couple of things here. My first assumption is that this would be an unfinished basement and you want the cheapest way to heat your basement. Second, that you want to just add some warmth in the winter to make the area more comfortable for projects and adding some heat to…