“Time To Clean Filter” On My Smart Thermostat Display

“Time To Clean Filter” On My Smart Thermostat Display

“Change Filter” or “time to clean filter” is displayed on my thermostat, and I just changed the air filter. Maybe my thermostat says, “Replace Air Filter,” it doesn’t even know I have a filter, let alone when it needs to be changed. It reminds me of the saying, “The left-hand doesn’t know what the right…

Sequence Of Operation For A Gas Furnace
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Sequence Of Operation For A Gas Furnace

The sequential operation of todays gas furnaces is essentially the same from brand to brand. The first step in a heating cycle is for the furnace to receive a signal from the thermostat. Most thermostats these days are digital and will display “heat on” somewhere on the screen depending on your type of thermostat. With…

Thermostat Troubleshooting Can Be Easy, Here’s How

Yes, I said thermostat troubleshooting can be easy. I’ve been in the HVAC industry for many years and have seen the crazy things a thermostat can do. My customers often call me and say their thermostat is broken, and many times, they are right, but not always. Mercury bulb thermostats can be off level or…