Why Goodman Is Tempting To Buy Online
So many people are tempted to by Goodman HVAC equipment through online distributorships because it is, in my opinion, very good equipment and the thought of saving a buck is such an attractive lure that many online buyers find it irresistible.
And, Goodman is just about the only complete line of HVAC equipment available online.
A little bit about why my opinion should mean something. I started selling and installing Goodman heating and air conditioning equipment in the 1990’s. In that beginning Goodman was considered a builders model.
Something that most builders were attracted to because of price. HVAC companies could meet the builders need to cut costs and Goodman fit the bill.
We didn’t have much in Goodman online ordering back then, but it was marketed pretty heavy as a cheap way to go. And, we didn’t have too many Goodman air conditioner problems.
We, as a company at that time considered Goodman to be a #2 or 3 in the brands that we marketed and sold.
But times changed and so did Goodman. They became involved in better manufacturing methods and today that’s all I sell.
My warranty repairs are at a minimum. All the Goodman equipment I sell is registered with Goodman for an additional five years of warranty for a total of 10 years on the sealed system.
If you don’t register your new Goodman units your warranty is five years. And warranties can change. Always verify and get in writing what your warranty is for the equipment you buy.
Some units are just five years. That’s it.
Hazards Of Buying HVAC Equipment Online
Some years ago when I was desperate for some work I agreed to install a Goodman heat pump. After completing quite a bit of duct work and installing the electric furnace it came time to hook up the refrigeration lines and the outdoor heat pump unit.
Having not purchased the outdoor unit myself, I hadn’t even given it a glance until it was time to connect the unit.
It didn’t take long to observe that it was not a heat pump, but an air conditioner or cooling only unit.
The home owner had no other recourse other than to buy a new unit because his online source would not accept a return.
His only option was to try and sell his new Goodman 16 SEER air conditioner through something like Craigslist or eBay.
Goodman also offers no warranty to online purchasers. Your warranty is dependent on the good faith and honor of the company you purchase the equipment from.
What Is Goodman’s Warranty To Online Buyers?
Some articles on the internet are saying that Goodman offers no warranty to those who purchase there equipment online. Read the following statement and follow the link to read more detail.
No warranty coverage is offered on Goodman brand equipment purchased by consumers over the Internet, including web-based auctions, telephone or other electronic means, unless the unit is installed by a dealer adhering to all applicable federal, state, and local codes, policies, and licensing requirements.
Goodman Manufacturing
So, it’s obvious that you will not be out on a limb if you buy Goodman online. But you need to strictly adhere to their guidelines.
Have a qualified company with trained technicians install the equipment and make sure they purchase a mechanical permit and follow all the rules written in your local codes.
A secondary reason for obtaining a mechanical permit is to insure that when the time comes to sell your home you can honestly say in the disclosures that you didn’t perform any work without a permit to do the work.
One loop hole that most people are unaware of is that you as a home owner you can do most any type of work on your own residence and obtain the necessary permits in your own name.
This includes plumbing, electrical and even HVAC projects. The stipulation may arise when installing refrigeration lines and a few other things, you may need certain licenses that you would not have.
Each jurisdiction will have somewhat similar regulations with minor variances. And some counties just ignore some stuff.
I work in a tri-county area. Two of the counties require special caps on the refrigeration ports of a completed heat pump or air conditioning system.
These caps lock the port so would be huffers won’t inhale the refrigerant in an effort to get high.
One of the counties has never made an effort to enforce the code.
If you are an ardent DIY’er and tackling an HVAC project is on your list, then just call your local inspectors and have a discussion about what you are doing.
Do as much as you can and feel comfortable doing. Hire an expert technician to come and do the refrigeration and startup of the new equipment.
You might save a few dollars and you may not, prices are all over the place.
I have a ex-employee that started his own business. That’s why we hire employee’s in this industry, to get them started in another business, right.
I don’t live in his area anymore and I’ve had a couple close friends I offered a good deal on an air conditioner or similar stuff, I sell it and ship it direct to them. They do what they can and they hire my ex-employee to do the critical stuff.
Just develop a few connections and make sure you do it legal.