level thermostat

Does My Thermostat Need To Be Level To Be Accurate?

Thermostats that contain mercury bulbs need to be level to be accurate. Modern day thermostats are either snap action or digital and they should be level only for aesthetic reasons, they just look better when square and plumb with the world. Kind of like your outdoor unit being level. They just look better. By the…

Thermostat Heat Anticipator

Thermostat Heat Anticipator Adjustment (A Simple Guide)

If you have a thermostat with a heat anticipator and are experiencing dramatic temperature swings, you have come to the right place. The heat anticipator in simple mercury or snap action thermostats is adjustable. I can teach you here how to adjust your heat anticipation safely. You’ve probably wondered how to adjust a mechanical heat…

Lots Of Questions To Ask When Buying A New HVAC System
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Lots Of Questions To Ask When Buying A New HVAC System

Introduction Do you know what questions to ask when replacing an HVAC system for your home? If not, you are in the right spot to get HVAC questions free. The first step in what to know before replacing your air conditioning system is the right questions to ask. Be well enough informed as to what…