What Does Freon Smell Like?
What does Freon smell like in a house? It smells sweet even when I’m working in the field with it. I’ve dealt with several refrigerants in my career, and I can’t say that I’ve noticed any difference in smell between them. Compared to my wife, though, I have a terrible sense of smell.
Amongst the Freon types I’ve dealt with are R22, R11, R500, R410A, and others. The “R” stands for refrigerant. Freon is a brand name. Like Kleenex is to tissue, Freon has become a generic name for refrigerant.
Does Freon Smell Like Gas?
R410A is used in modern HVAC equipment, and R454B is coming out to replace R410A. All to protect our environment. When people ask Google what Freon smells like, the answers are crazy different.
- ammonia
- gas
- cat urine
- paint
- chlorine
- sweet
- acetone
- propane
- rotten eggs
The sweet smell is the only one that I can relate to. But you and I will smell the same thing and react differently to how that refrigerant smells—from ammonia to rotten eggs. You see number 8, so I guess Freon smells like gas to some people. Read the following quote.
But what the researchers found is that no two people smell things the same way. “We found that individuals can be very different at the receptor levels, meaning that when we smell something, the receptors that are activated can be very different (from one person to the next) depending on your genome.”
When we’re on a road trip and pass a dead skunk, we will probably say it was a dead skunk. But that was our identifier of what a skunk smells like. If we had to describe what that skunk smelled like, we’d probably have descriptions that ranged from ammonia to rotten eggs.
Yet, we can only compare what things smell like with what we know of other smells.
This is beginning to be interesting. I should do some research of my own. I know lots of people who have smelled refrigerants, not in a huffing way.
Bobby said, “Musty, I guess; I try never to breathe it, Ha, Ha, Ha.”
Nick got back to me immediately and answered that Freon has an oily smell, like used motor oil. And he said, “No, I don’t think R22 and R410a smell different”. Nick thought it was a tricky question to answer.
My son sells HVAC in Alabama, so I texted him, and he said, ” I don’t know, I’ve never smelled it, but I just asked 42,000 people on Facebook’s HVAC Pro Talk group. I had to join to find their answers, but I haven’t been accepted yet.
I’ll update this later with some of the answers.
I just got a few of the answers. Wow, what a concoction of wild smellers.
- What does R22 smell like? A fresh bag of chlorine for pools.
- R134a smell is like garlic
- R404a smells like copper
- R290 smells like Vick’s vapor rub
- Green apples
- Bananas
- Vinyl band-aids
- Old Rubbermaid container
- Does Freon smell like urine? Probably to someone
Crazy, huh? So, does refrigerant smell? I didn’t know copper and bananas had a smell. Like I said, my son sent the question out to 42,000 Facebookers, and I just quit at eight answers, which is enough to prove a point. We all describe smell differently.
What Is Freon?
Freon is a gas at room temperature and a liquid when cooled or compressed. Freon gas is colorless, non-flammable and relatively odorless. Some Freons have an ether-like odor.
When most people inquire about smells in cars or what Freon smells like in the house, the likelihood of the odor being Freon or refrigerant is very slim. Refrigerants are four times heavier than air and linger on the floor.
In comparison, natural gas is lighter than air, and propane is like refrigerant; it is heavier than air.
Refrigerants also have a high volatility rate, meaning they vaporize quickly or will not stay liquid unless pressurized. R11 is an exception because it evaporates or boils at 74.7 degrees F.
This means it will be liquid without pressure until it gets hotter than 74.7 degrees F. But R11 is not in anything you would likely own.
What does a Freon leak smell like? Your guess is as good as mine or as bad as my smeller.
Is Freon Dangerous To Breathe In?
Despite what we’ve covered here and all the opinions of what Freon smells like, Healthline says, “Freon is a tasteless, mostly odorless gas.” Indiscriminate amounts of refrigerant inhaled are mainly harmless since they often occur in bleeding refrigeration hoses.
Refrigerant poisoning is not a frequently occurring event, except in cases of abuse. Huffing or inhaling Freon in an attempt to get high. These chemicals can give the inhaling person what’s described as a pleasurable feeling.
I had a customer call that had a heat pump problem. When I checked out his system, I found it completely flat or out of refrigerant. I pressurized the system with nitrogen and found no leaks. I drew a vacuum, and still no leaks.
This was a rental for my customer; he knew the renter’s relative and suspected him of huffing the Freon from the system. Or he could have just dumped it out of meanness or retaliation for something.
Recent codes have made it necessary to add locks to the service ports of new installations. But homeowners wanting to protect their valuable refrigerant from being stolen by some huffer can easily install these locks on their systems.
You can (ad) get a look at service ports on Amazon.
If you have a heat pump, then you will need three locks. Air conditioners will only need two. As you can see, you get your key. Just remove existing caps, replace them with these locks, and tighten them with the key.
So, pick your odor. Freon can smell like anything you will imagine, but don’t go out and take a whiff. There’s enough evidence here to know that Freon has a smell, and it’s not important enough to prove your smeller is correct. Or if it is important to you, that’s okay too. I just don’t care!
The plural of bananas has no apostrophe. Apostrophes are not used to pluralize whole words, but generally characters on a keyboard. A’s, 2’s etc.
And I eat a lot of bananas. Thank you for catching my error.
Can freon be pumped into your home with heat on?
Vicki, Small leaks would emit some indiscriminate amounts of freon that would probably be undetectable. A large leak would be over in a short time and even then be hard to detect inside a home. If you have concerns about an odor that you can’t seem to locate it’s always a good idea to bite the bullet and have a professional come and take a good look. – Chad